Re: Vshepre Web Client Remote connection timeout
Si risolto! dopo essere ancora impazzito un po' mi è bastato prima impostare l'ip con il DHCP e infine tornare con l'IP statico a quel punto tutto è filato liscio chiudo il posto e ringrazio ancora.Marco
View ArticleRe: License... how does it work
hi, im running eval.. what kind of screenshot would you like? its kinda hard to see as you have to hoover over it to see the ip's/hostnames..
View ArticleTry Fusion 6 trial without consenting to email spam?
I want to try VMWare Fusion 6's trail but the trial installer demands my email address with an overzealous statement like "Enter a valid email address to begin your complimentary 30-day trial. You...
View ArticleRe: Difference between VMware ThinApp and ThinApp Factory
Unfortunately,I do not havein handavSphere environment. So, I can installThinAppon aVMof Workstation andmanually create5multiple packages? If so, howdo Ido this? Thanks Bye
View ArticleRe: All ESXi 5 Hypervisor Hosts in Lockdown and vCenter crashed.
My ESXi host was completely locked down. NO CONSOLE access. The above is only for systems that are not into complete 100% lock down. A restore of the vCS backup was peformed and worked.
View ArticleRe: Black screen
I'd try booting the Windows VM to safe mode, and if the screen isn't black then see if VMware Tools can be uninstalled and then reboot to normal mode. This hopefully will enable you to see a normal...
View ArticleRe: Kickstart ignore remote disk completely
I set up a web server to host my kickstart file, and used the same server to host the driver package. I used esxcli to install it during firstboot. After the next reboot the remote datastores should...
View ArticleESXi 5.1 y Array
Estimados, tengo un HP ProLiant DL180 G6 y me gustaría hacer un Array 1 en 2 discos que son de 250GB donde instalaría el sistema. Existe algún inconveniente en trabajar con arreglos ??? Saludos.
View ArticleRe: Cannot recreate Boot Camp Volume in Fusion 6
I have followed the steps described in this thread and others, clean uninstalling/reinstalling of Fusion, removing 3rd party drivers, etc. all to no avail. Same error as original post, option is greyed...
View ArticleRe: Clone OS disk only, script complete and working...
If I follow this right, you are left with .vmdk only (OS DISK), yes? Do you then copy the vmx config file in a separate workflow? I guess what I'm asking what do you do with the OS vmdk disks when this...
View ArticleCannot browse datastore ... empty
(Let me premise my questions by letting you know this is a test lab.)I have a single ESXi 5.1 host with two nested vEsxi host in a cluster. Two virtual FreeNas 8.3 shared iSCSI storage devices where...
View ArticleRe: Testing problematic host - how to configure HA / DRS
You can use DRS Groups and DRS Rules to accomplish this Create a DRS Group for your production VM's, and another one for your suspect host. Create a rule that specifies the VM group MUST NOT run on...
View ArticleRe: Can't update vCenter
"vCenter Server 5.1.1064983 and I wanted to update to 5.1.0-1235309."That may be a typo but I don't think you can down-rev to an older version.
View ArticleRe: Kickstart ignore remote disk completely
cool, i didn't know you could hit a web server with the esxcli install command. I can probably do the same, thanks!, I'll take a look
View ArticleRe: Thinapp 4.7.3 and Quickbooks
I am having the same issue. My only work around at the moment is to install the Quickbooks 2013 to the Base Image of the Machine. I hope this issue gets resolved. If I get some downtime, I will...
View ArticleRe: Cannot recreate Boot Camp Volume in Fusion 6
Hi sirmerkin, Can you post the output of the following command:1. Launch Terminal - located under Mac HD > Applications > Utilities > Terminal2. Copy & paste the following command:sudo...
View ArticleRe: ESXi 5.1U, Z87-PRO, Adaptec ASR-6805E
Hi,Mapd07I have a motherboard with onboard intel RAID controller, I'v configured a RAID 0 in "intel rapid storage - option rom" but ESXi installation wizard shows the physical disks only not RIAD...
View ArticleRe: How to reach the BIOS in Fusion 5
Additionally with the new version of VMware Fusion 6 you can use the steps below:1. Launch VMware Fusion 62. From the Mac menu bar click on Virtual Machines > Settings > Startup Disk3. Press and...
View ArticleRe: Fusion 6 Install unexpected ended
Thanks for your help, but say me please, how can I find the MD5/SHA1 information at my downloaded fusion6.dmg?
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