Hi Jones,
This behavior is by design. The Score_N_Tile_Test.out file, which calculates the VMmark score, is created only when all workloads are running, that is, in VMMARK2.CONFIG:
WORKLOADLIST="Standby MailServer OlioWeb OlioDB DS2WebA DS2WebB DS2WebC DS2DB"
INFRASTRUCTURELIST="Deploy Vmotion SVmotion"
Since you did not run Mailserver (and in the provided VMMARK2.CONFIG you exclude Deploy also), Score_N_Tile_Test.out was not created.
However, you can manually run the script that produces Score_N_Tile_Test.out, and create a Score file on an already finished run by manually excluding the Mailserver workload which was not running at the time. In the VMmark Benchmarking Guide, see "Obtain Partial Results for a Failed or Non-compliant Run" for how to do this. However, you will not be able to get a "VMmark Score" which requires all workloads to run.
Please let me know if you have any further questions.