1) In Debian the GTK will abort the installation in my experience.
2) If you aim is to completely remove WS before re-installing TP2 you may want to consider the steps below - particularly if you are using a patch to install WS. They are actually based on the "updated" VMware KB 38 but are more complete.
su * This if you don't want to preface lines with "sudo"
/usr/bin/vmware-installer -u vmware-workstation
**** keep configuration files -no ******* The will remove the WS key so you may want to answer yes
/etc/init.d/vmware stop
lsmod | grep vm
The lines below are not really needed but conform to VMware documentation
cd /lib/modules/kernel_version/misc
mv vm* /tmpller
---------------------------- The commands below will almost certainly come up empty after running the default uninstaller
rmmod vmnet.o
rmmod vmmon.o
rmmod vmci.o
rmmod vmblock.o
rmmod vmppuser.o
rm /etc/rc.d/init.d/rc2.d/*vmware*
rm /etc/rc.d/init.d/rc3.d/*vmware*
rm /etc/rc.d/init.d/rc5.d/*vmware*
rm /etc/rc.d/init.d/rc6.d/*vmware*
rm -rf /etc/vmware*
rm -rf /usr/bin/vm*
If you have VMs here backup them up
rm -rf /usr/lib/vmware*
rm -fr /var/run/vm*
rm -fr /var/log/vmware*
rm -fr /tmp/vmware*
If you still have VM's in /home/user/vmware you don't want this - the hiddent folder contains the VMs databbase
rm -fr /home/user/.vmware