Apologies for what is clearly going to be a newbish question as I've just started using PowerCLI yesterday. I have 6 Host servers with 10 VMs on each and each VM with a snapshot.
I've created a script to
1) Connect to Host #1
2) Reset all 10 VMs to the snapshot (one by one)
3) Power on all the VMs (simultaneously)
4) Connect to Host #2.... rinse and repeat to Host #6.
This takes a bit over 5 minutes. I'm sure this process will speed this up if I locate the answers below:
Two questions:
-Is there a way to connect to all the servers at the same time so I can have step #3 work on all 6 host servers.
-Is it possible to have step #2 run simultaneously on each host to save on time?
Many thanks!