Several of those can be had via the normal properties returned from Get-VMHost, and the rest you can pretty much get with calculated properties. Like:
Get-VMHost | Foreach-Object {
## get the GenericMeasureInfo for this host's datastores, to be used for the output
$mioThisHostsDStoreInfo=Get-Datastore -VMHost $_ | Measure-Object-Property CapacityGB,FreeSpaceGB -Sum
$dblCapGB= ($mioThisHostsDStoreInfo | ?{$_.Property -eq"CapacityGB"}).Sum ## datastore capacity
$dblFreeGB= ($mioThisHostsDStoreInfo | ?{$_.Property -eq"FreeSpaceGB"}).Sum ## datastore free
Select-InputObject$_ @{n="hostname"; e={$_.NetworkInfo.HostName}},
@{n="IP"; e={($_.NetworkInfo.VirtualNic | ?{$_.ManagementTrafficEnabled -eq$true-and$_.IP}).IP}},
@{n="CputAvailableMhz"; e={$_.CpuTotalMhz -$_.CpuUsageMhz}},MemoryTotalGB,MemoryUsageGB,
@{n="MemAvailableGB"; e={$_.MemoryTotalGB -$_.MemoryUsageGB}},
@{n="TotalDStoreSizeGB"; e={$dblCapGB}},
@{n="DStoreUsedGB"; e={$dblCapGB-$dblFreeGB}},
@{n="DStoreAvailableGB"; e={$dblFreeGB}},
@{n="PNicCount"; e={($_.NetworkInfo.PhysicalNic | Measure-Object).Count}}
} ## end foreach-object
Note about the datastore space: handling uncommitted space (due to thin virtual disks) is not covered here, but you can add that in.
How does that do for you?