Sat the VCAP5-DCA exam today. It was really frustrating. RDP screen redraws were taking 30 seconds at times. There wasn't anything that I didn't know how to do, however I just started skipping questions that required lots of clicking because of the GUI performance.
At one point, I also had a PEBCAK/self-inflicted issue that caused me to lose my connection to some of the core infrastructure -- I know, I'm an idiot. Trying to rush through those performance issues in the lab environment cracked my composure and compulsive double-checking before clicking Ok.
Anyway, the TA ended up calling VMware about it, but by the time she had someone on the line, I had untangled my own mess, so she told them to disregard. However, a bunch of the configuration I had done had been rolled back. Without getting too specific, I had configured various components that absolutely wouldn't have been affected with my mistake/backout procedure, and a bunch of it was missing. This whole ordeal cost me about an hour.
Anyway, I ended up answering 20.5 of 26, and I felt like I really knew the material well. I guess the moral of the story is don't break your lab, and if you do, don't tell VMware about it.
This wait is going to be brutal...